Is This Why They Burned White Women At The Stake?

By Maxjulian

June 11, 2006

Category: Uncategorized


More commentary on my increasingly notorious “interracial dating” post. From Egotistical Whining:

Saturday, June 10, 2006

At the freeslave, there is some discussion of interracial dating between black men and white women. My take is this. What reason do you have for dating white women? Did you just meet some girl and find that she was totally amazing and the one that totally completed you,etc? Did she just have a nice ass and you wanted to get some? That’s ok too- just make sure everyone agrees that you’re just there for the panties. Or are you doing it because you think black girls are ugly, or insert stereotype here? The first is fine. Love is love and do what makes you happy. But if it’s the second, you’re a terrible person. You have to think to yourself- how did you get this stupid idea? How can all black girls be X way? You know all white girls aren’t Y way. And if you have to resort to the whole “I’m just not attracted to black women, it’s just like not liking redheads” crap- shoot yourself. Maybe you need intensive fucking therapy to see why you want to lump a bunch of women who all look different in one box, you dumb fuck*. So to keep it simple, liking white women because of actual traits individual white women may have, yes! Disliking black women because of crap somebody made up, no!

*This rationale is more common among whites, who when they use it seem equally as dumb.

posted by shannon @ 6/10/2006 10:08:00 PM links to this post
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My retort:

I agree our beauty standards are influenced by our culture; all of our standards are influenced by something or someone outside ourselves. To become human AND an individual, one must act in the world in accord with and in contradiction or opposition to externally imposed standards. How else does a person figure out what THEIR standards are?

People have to act, do, experiment, observe, think, feel, assess and re-assess. Then they figure out what makes sense, figure out what THEIR standards are. And then the process repeats itself, or not.

Robots are programmed to move in a certain way. People who are programmed to think certain ways about themselves and others and act accordingly are robots.
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17 Responses to “Is This Why They Burned White Women At The Stake?”

  1. Since most folks don’t think, it’s a moot point.

  2. Its not a moot point if one is concerned about “why” most folks don’t think. To leave it at that simply accepts the status quo, a status quo that needs to be understood. We can throw up our hands and bemoan how fucked up everybody else is, or, we can see how we have the same propensity as others and seek to understand. Right?

  3. Its not a moot point if one is concerned about “why” most folks don’t think. To leave it at that simply accepts the status quo, a status quo that needs to be understood. We can throw up our hands and bemoan how fucked up everybody else is, or, we can see how we have the same propensity as others and seek to understand. Right?

  4. Well, call me old fashioned (and privileged). I see why people have issues with interracial dating, but it seems really puritanical to me to make too many prescriptions about it.

    When I was a child, you still had all of these white men in secret interracial relationships, Strom Thurmond style. Some famous lynchings of Black teenagers for allegedly hitting on white women, were in the _recent_ past. Given that context, it was downright refreshing to start seeing interracial couples on normal dates.

    I have this Chicano friend who would never, ever have married anyone but a Chicana. He’s got friends of other ‘races’, but at the end of the day, he wants to have a Chicano home base. One can see why, and it’s not an artificial position.

    Meanwhile, one of my Black students is on a search for just the right woman. She will be just the slightest bit lighter than he is. They will raise children with the perfect Black identity. The women he has picked for this project so far, though, have turned him down. He doesn’t see why. I think it is because they realize that a project which is so ideologically driven, does not necessarily bode well for a personal relationship.

  5. I ma so against JF (Jungle Fever) but to each is own & I don’t judge (much).

    I don’t know why but lately, I have been seeing a lot of Sista’s with White men & uhhhhh.

  6. I hear ya, Bygbaby. For me – today – its sistahs all the way!

    To prove that I’m a new man, I’m startin’ a 12Step joint for recovering miscegenators. The first step is; “We admitted we were powerless over Miss Anne and that our lives had become unmanageable.” One day at a time, baby, but remember this: this disease is stronger than the crack rock. Where’s the treatment center for Jungle Fever, cuz I feel clammy?

  7. I think interracial dating annoys me only because it seems like the reasons black men use to date outside the race have to put down black women. Black women are too loud, agressive, picky, materialistic…blah, blah, blah. Look, if you want to date a Becky then go ahead and date a Becky, but don’t put me down to justify your choice. Just admit that you want to date a white girl.

  8. I don’t have the personality type for all that understanding, max. and jj, I agree completely. I wouldn’t like sisters who date white men because they think black men are all thugs, because it’s the same sort of letting stereotypes cloud your judgement instead of looking clearly at things.

  9. I hear both of ya’ll, Miz JJ and Shannon. I would like you to consider this: there are reasons for interracial dating OUTSIDE of self-hate, hating sistahs or believing the hype that Cindy Crawford is the standard of beauty.

    When you reduce all of the myriad reasons one might date interracially to – “he thinks sistahs are ugly” or “just admit it, you want to date white girls/men;” that reflects, NOT, what you’re seeing in front of you, but your own thinking based on your own experiences – attitudes – judgements – fears. That doesn’t make it reality, though.

    Do you guys realize how many of us grow up in mixed neighborhoods, go to private schools, have white cousins or parents, have parents who believed that ‘content of your character’ hype, ‘everybody is the same’ blah, blah, blah. Kids who get conditioned by their experiences and what society teaches them, what their parents teach them – these kids are gonna explore, expand, try shit.

    It ain’t about personality type to understand the behavior of oneself and others. Its growth in consciousness, maturity, expanding the mind. That being said, I’m not saying accept anything; but to limit one’s ability to think/see, to filter all experiences “out there,” to a one-note, “they all doin’ that cuz that hate themselves” is not analysis at all. Its a blanket judgement that makes it easy on the mind and time of the accuser; you don’t have to think harder about it; you don’t have to see the nuances of human behavior. Nope, just BAM, X- that one out. That’s exactly what white folks have done to non-whites.

  10. I hear both of ya’ll, Miz JJ and Shannon. I would like you to consider this: there are reasons for interracial dating OUTSIDE of self-hate, hating sistahs or believing the hype that Cindy Crawford is the standard of beauty.

    When you reduce all of the myriad reasons one might date interracially to – “he thinks sistahs are ugly” or “just admit it, you want to date white girls/men;” that reflects, NOT, what you’re seeing in front of you, but your own thinking based on your own experiences – attitudes – judgements – fears. That doesn’t make it reality, though.

    Do you guys realize how many of us grow up in mixed neighborhoods, go to private schools, have white cousins or parents, have parents who believed that ‘content of your character’ hype, ‘everybody is the same’ blah, blah, blah. Kids who get conditioned by their experiences and what society teaches them, what their parents teach them – these kids are gonna explore, expand, try shit.

    It ain’t about personality type to understand the behavior of oneself and others. Its growth in consciousness, maturity, expanding the mind. That being said, I’m not saying accept anything; but to limit one’s ability to think/see, to filter all experiences “out there,” to a one-note, “they all doin’ that cuz that hate themselves” is not analysis at all. Its a blanket judgement that makes it easy on the mind and time of the accuser; you don’t have to think harder about it; you don’t have to see the nuances of human behavior. Nope, just BAM, X- that one out. That’s exactly what white folks have done to non-whites.

  11. ‘one-note, “they all doin’ that cuz that hate themselves” is not analysis at all’

    i like this point — diff. betw. analysis
    and blanket judgment or mere opinion/
    conjecture is v. v. important.

    that said, i do know men who actually say
    the things miz jj indicates.

  12. Exactly anon. I know men who actually say and think these things that Shannon and MizJ have rightly pointed out. But that’s only part of the story, not the one and only story; that’s my point.

    Black women burning and perming their hair might be considered self-hate by some; but I ain’t gonna condemn a sister for puttin her head in the oven.
    I’ve heard a number of women discuss the reasons they do it. Maybe some are rationalizations or justifications. Maybe they all hate themselves. Why should I rub her face in it if she does?

  13. Sometimes interracial dating happens for the simple reason that people just really like each other.

    But, ‘jungle fever’ is NOT driven by self-hate.

    It is driven by a need for self-justification planted by notions of white supremacy.

    ‘Jungle fever’ is a burning desire to prove those notions incorrect by getting what the white man wants most -the white woman, and so PROVING to yourself that the white man is NOT superior.

  14. JF is as much that as anything else.

  15. huh?

    I don’t understand your riddle.

  16. anon@6:40, this is another anon…. i read mj to mean that JF is what the earlier anonymous said, and/or other permutations of desire not based just on ‘simple’ attraction, but on attraction motivated by and through white supremacy, racism, gender hierarchies, etc.

  17. understood

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